Natural Health - How to be an Optimist Everyday
Are you a glass half-full or half-empty kind of person? Here’s how to inject a little more positivity into your daily life…
Do you constantly see the negative in things and automatically assume the worst? If so, you could be damaging your wellbeing more than you think. According to research, looking at life in an optimistic way can allow you to become more resilient and confident, and also make experiences more fulfilling and enjoyable. And on top of that, it could dramatically impact your physical health. In fact, data published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that optimists are less likely than pessimists to die from health conditions including cancer, heart disease and strokes as well as enjoy healthier lives in general. Other studies show that optimists are more likely to earn a higher income and have better relationships, too. So, just how can you alter your way of thinking and approach life with a different perspective? We’ve asked the experts for their top tips…